Loyalty Rewards
Today I want to make sure that you get your Loyalty Rewards order set up for next month.  Now that your first order has processed, you can start deciding what you want for next month.  (If you aren’t sure, I’ve got you covered with suggestions below)

My very first order was the Premium Starter Bundle, and my next order on Loyalty Rewards was the Thieves Loyalty Bundle.  If you haven’t ordered these yet, this is my top recommendation.  After that, I ordered the Ningxia Red Loyalty Rewards bundle.  It’s the best savings on Ningxia Red, and we order it regularly to support our family’s wellness!  This is what I recommend at the first few months orders.  If you can do more than one bundle at once, you'll get even more bang for your buck with the Loyalty rewards points you earn for your orders, and the gifts with purchase Young Living offers each month.  

(Loyalty Rewards doesn't cost you anything extra - it's like using amazon subscribe and save only better!)

If you are looking for something to help you with a specific wellness goal, I highly recommend downloading the Lifesteps app and doing the wellness assessment.  

Additionally, if you are local to me, you can schedule a Zyto Biofeedback scan.

The first step in this process is going to be to set up your login information.  Go to www.youngliving.com.  Choose United States, and then Click Sign In in the upper right corner.  (or just click here

After that, you'll click on My Account in the upper right corner, and choose Loyalty Order from the top of the list.  From there, just follow the prompts.


Here’s some of the most frequently asked questions about the Loyalty Rewards Program

Q: How does the program work?
A: Customers earn points for each order they place and can redeem those points for free products. The more consecutive monthly orders a customer places, the more points they can earn.

Q: What are the benefits of participating in the loyalty rewards program?
A: As a Loyalty Rewards member, you earn points towards free products and can also save on shipping costs.  The percentage of points you earn grows the longer you are a Loyalty Rewards member.  Additionally, you can receive loyalty gifts for placing orders at certain milestones.  (Yay!  Free Oils)

Q:  What can I use the points for?
A:  The points you earn can be used for free products on one-time orders (not with your Loyalty Rewards subscription order.  Each point is the equivalent to 1PV for an item. Most products are eligible for using loyalty rewards points, but a few exclusions apply, such as promotional items and some limited-time offers.  Look for the blue flag by an item - those are the ones that you can redeem your Loyalty rewards points for.

Q: Can loyalty rewards points be redeemed for cash?
A: No, loyalty rewards points cannot be redeemed for cash. They can only be used to redeem products.

Q: Is there a minimum order requirement to participate in the program?
A: Yes, customers must place a minimum order of 50 PV (personal volume) each month to earn loyalty rewards points.

Q:  Is there a cost to join the program?
A:  No!  It’s free to join, and there’s no commitment.  Plus, you can cancel at any time.  (Though I don’t recommend it - the savings and bonuses get bigger the longer you stick with it!)

Q: Is there a limit to how many loyalty rewards points I can earn?
A: There is no limit to the number of loyalty rewards points you can earn.

Q: How do I enroll in the program?
A: To enroll in the program, simply create a Young Living account and opt-in to the loyalty rewards program.

Q: Can I cancel my participation in the loyalty rewards program at any time?
A: Yes, you can cancel your participation in the loyalty rewards program at any time without incurring any penalties or fees.