What's In Your Drinking Water?

I think I’ve used a water filter of some sort for my drinking water for close to 20 years now.  For most of that time, it was just a grocery store Brita filter with a cartridge that was usually outdated...

Did you know we actually absorb at least as much water through our skin as we drink in a day?  That means at least half of the water we interact with is still loaded with yuck.  


What is Alkaline Water?

A growing number of health experts and enthusiasts are embracing the alkaline water trend, citing its numerous benefits and healing properties.

It was discovered by Dro Otto Warburg in the early 1900s that “No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.” 


What is Structured Water?

Structured water refers to the way that water molecules are arranged in a geometric pattern that results in clustering. These clusters are thought to have a strong energetic charge, which can positively influence the body's cells and improve hydration.

Intention in Water

Emoto found that water exposed to positive words such as "love" and "gratitude" formed beautifully intricate crystalline structures, while water exposed to negative words like "hate" and "anger" formed distorted, chaotic shapes. 

The Real Cause of Cystic Acne

I have 4 years of before photos.  Each time I would try something different, I would take before pictures, but the after photos didn’t exist.  The breakouts just kept coming and they kept getting worse and worse.

Detox Mask Recipe

“Rub some dirt on it!”  We joke about telling this to our kids when they fall and scrape their knee, but there’s actually maybe some merit to this idea.  There are certain clays that have great benefits for the skin and can actually help with the healing process.  

The Silent Monster Destroying our Health

For years we have heard the growing warnings about all our electronics and how they are affecting us as a society, our intellect, and now we are learning how electronics are affecting our health.