Bootcamp sessions start Monday August 21st at 11:00 am Central.
The pace for this course is going to be quick - that's on purpose so that you can get going and feel confident to do your first vendor event as soon as possible. We will meet twice a week to briefly go over next steps and be done with the whole course in just 4 weeks. But you'll be able to attend an event as a vendor even faster than that (the second portion of the course is geared toward follow up with the people you are meeting)
You'll be finding your first vendor event and signing up for it in the first week, and preparing for success with at least one date already on your calendar right out of the gate! This course is all about taking action and making things happen in your business as quickly as possible.
Buckle up - we are going to have a lot of fun together!
You can go ahead and set up your login information to access to the course, and check out the information on the Start Here page once inside. Make sure to add the zoom calls to your calendar, and explore what's already in there waiting for you.