"Yes, Jill! I'm ready to make my health VIBRANT with step-by-step strategies based in ancient wisdom and proven by modern science!
"I understand that you are waiving the required $100 fee for the wellness strategysession because I have enrolled in the Loyalty Rewards Program with Young Living, and give my commitment that I will show up for the wellness strategy session, once scheduled."
At the initial wellness strategy session, you will receive your remote biofeedback scan. We recommend logging on from a computer for the session, so that you can do the biofeedback scan from your smartphone.
Upon completing this form and selecting your session time, you will be directed to your wellness assessment - please take a few moments to download the Lifesteps app and answer all of the questions and review your results so you can have them ready during the session.
These tools will help to inform you of what steps to take to maximize your results
All of the information gathered is kept confidential and will help you design a plan that fits you best.
Please submit your completed form by hitting the "LET'S DO THIS!" button at the bottom of the form. d