I wish that I still looked like that picture above now, but some of my recent life experiences mean that I don't. But I really like the photo, so it stays.
I'm a deep thinker.  I love to design and create.  I love to read for learning.  I love exploring natural health and ancient Hebrew.
I hate synthetic fragrance.  It's so bad for our hormones, causes headaches, and can cause weight gain.
Mold and blood infections from childhood exposures to ticks, fleas, lice, cat scratches, mosquitos and more have deteriorated my health, friendships, abilities, energy, and quality of life.
I'm not the only one, so I'm going to talk about it in hopes of helping others.
Because I'm going to figure this out.

I've been SICK for years...
I used to struggle every single day from morning to night with excruciating headaches.  I needed 2-3 hour naps each day just to make it through till dinner.  I was constantly snapping at my family. I was miserable, and making everyone around me miserable too.  

When I finally solved the headaches, I started suffering with acne and hormone issues that kept me hiding myself from the world, and worse - prevented us from having more children.  I wore makeup all the time - even to the gym.  I couldn't think of eating dairy without a new breakout starting.  Plus my cycles were either nonexistent or continuous and heavy. 

Then, I finally sorted out some of the hormone stuff - enough to have another baby!  And finally get my skin to clear up significantly.

Not long after that, I had a toxic exposure from water damage that profoundly impacted my health. Since then, I have felt powerless against the weight gain, and the massive physical burden and body pain that came with it.   My hips, knees, and ankles have hurt constantly.  I even developed a hump in the back of my neck.

Over the years, I have spent thousands of dollars on products, services, and supplements, invested countless hours, read book after book, joined online groups, and attended a wide variety of workshops.  I've also been to multiple doctors and practitioners, (many whose office environments or protocols actually made me feel worse) and had labs run for everything I can think of: hormones, hair analysis,  genetics, food intolerances.  

Along the way, I've uncovered a piece of my puzzle here, and another piece over there.  Bit by bit, I'm solving this.  Each setback a chance to learn something new, and maybe help others with what I've discovered.  

The most important thing I've learned is that true health and healing requires an approach that unites the spiritual, mental, physical, relational, AND emotional.  It's anchored in the truth of Scripture, and scientifically validated (through the actual scientific method though - not manipulated studies funded by biased organizations).  

I've also realized that the person capable of healing you is not a doctor, practitioner, shaman, priest, or guru.   Sometimes their input and information is necessary in order to understand what needs to change, and their guidance can help us on our journey, but they are guides, not health dictators.

This is my journey, and it's an honor to share it with you.  I hope my learnings help you live more vibrantly too.

What You Will (and Won't) Find Here:

NO Faking It

If don't feel great, I'll be honest about it.  If I really don't feel great, I might not even show up.  I have to keep my priorities in check.  The reality of this journey is that it isn't linear progress.  My experience so far is there will be setbacks.  I'm no longer going to pretend that I've got it all figured out.

Childlike Curiosity

Learning and developing means being curious when exploring new things.  This doesn't mean throwing caution to the wind.  Our life experiences and moral code are there as a guide.  One outlook I have found incredibly helpful for navigating what is new is to ask that truth and only truth be revealed.

Mindset Shifts

I know I have adopted beliefs from my experiences and environment that aren't helping my health or serving my life in a positive way.  I'm working on delete these old patterns, and adopting new beliefs that support my goals.  I'll share as I learn in case it could benefit you too.

Scriptural Truths 

The Scriptures are filled with keys to health and longevity.  There's some fascinating things that can be uncovered from digging in there.  I love exploring a single word in the Ancient Hebrew letters (they look like hieroglyphics and tell a whole story in just a few little pictures).  
Hey there! I'm SO glad you found me!
I'm Jill.  I'm trying to figure out what has been keeping me from feeling my best.

I'm on a mission to figure out how to move past the obstacles standing in the way of my confidence and energy so i can live the vibrant life I know I was meant for.

For most of my life, I felt crippled inside my own body.... Even as I was learning how to integrate more holistic and “crunchy” habits, I was still struggling to get off the sidelines and participate in my own life…
Deep (and not so deep) Thoughts...