It took me three pregnancies and almost all three trimesters to finally figure this out. I hope it helps you far sooner!

The websites and the books that tell you what pregnancy can look like share loads of information about how you might feel during each trimester. The nausea and fatigue in the first, the surge of energy and relief in the second, the swelling, heartburn, etc in the third. It’s certainly helpful to know that all of those things are a normal experience during pregnancy, and I’m ever so grateful for it.
But one thing that sure would have helped me is knowing what can happen as you transition from one trimester to the other.

But that hormone shift – what does THAT feel like? Well, for me, it meant lots of tears, a lot more irritation, and just feeling like I wasn’t myself – even more than normal pregnancy not-myself feelings.
My best piece of advice for when you are pregnant is plan for a week or so around the change in the trimester to take your foot off of the gas. Stay home, practice lots of self care, don’t plan any travel during those weeks. Tell your loved ones in advance that there is a shift coming and to expect the unexpected – ask for grace in advance.
It's also a big clue for when birth is coming... The day or so before each of mine was born, my emotions and stress level went crazy! I think if I had known enough in advance to clue my husband in to this sooner, he would have felt so much more confident knowing that this was all part of the ride, and that we were very near the end. (So have your loved ones read this asap - that way they also know what to expect!)
My favorite tools for managing the stress and big emotions - both before baby was born, and also after were my oils. I used a lot of Frankincense essential oil drops on my head, and took baths in Stress Away or Sacred Mountain oil blends to calm my nerves. It was nothing short of miraculous how quickly the overwhelming feelings would just dissipate.
Oh, and I've got more to share about when it comes to birth that the books (and the doctors, and even the midwives) don't tell you. I have a feeling it could be a game changer... Check it out here.