Yesterday morning I went for a walk.
My kids were at camp for the morning, and I had some much needed "mom" time. Pure bliss, right? Not quite...
About halfway through the walk I started feeling crazy anxious.
Like I was not where I needed to be, and that I should be doing something different. I knew in my head that I was exactly where I was supposed to be at that moment, but I couldn't seem to shake that feeling. I turned around and started heading back to my car, taking deep breaths, calming breaths and trying to relax the whole way. About halfway back to the car, I started to cry... it was a beautiful day, I should be enjoying this time by myself in a beautiful park, and the exercise I was getting... but I couldn't. I was frustrated at myself for feeling that way, which wasn't helping to make matters any better.
Emotions are a very interesting thing.
We come out of the womb with the ability to express emotions (and quite well, I might add) in order to have our physical and emotional needs met. Somewhere along the way, because of life experiences, those abilities to connect and have our needs filled in a healthy way... well it gets a bit more complicated. You've seen the movie Inside Out right?
So emotions... they don't function based on logic alone.
Actually, they are controlled by the limbic lobe of the brain, a tiny little part right in the very center... right by your olfactory nerve (nasal passage). That limbic lobe actually is the control center for everything - decision making, memory, learning, social skills, and more. Want to learn more? Check this out:
So back to my walk...
When I finally made it back to my car, I took out my bottle of Stress away and put a drop on my wrists and one over my heart. Ahh!!! Sweet relief!!! And it what INSTANT! Isn't that crazy?!
Today I went again and loaded up with these two oils - Stress Away and Valor - BEFORE I headed out on my walk. I did TWO laps (about 5ish miles) and enjoyed every minute of it! The sunshine, the trees, the birds, the smiles of the other walkers, the dogs who needed a pat on the head, the "mom" time.... It was exactly how it should have been.
Today I went again and loaded up with these two oils - Stress Away and Valor - BEFORE I headed out on my walk. I did TWO laps (about 5ish miles) and enjoyed every minute of it! The sunshine, the trees, the birds, the smiles of the other walkers, the dogs who needed a pat on the head, the "mom" time.... It was exactly how it should have been.

As I was walking, and feeling grateful for a simple solution that allowed me to get some exercise without feeling awful, I start to think... maybe you know someone who would benefit from hearing my story. If so, would you share it with them? <3