Detox Mask Recipe

“Rub some dirt on it!”  We joke about telling this to our kids when they fall and scrape their knee, but there’s actually maybe some merit to this idea.  There are certain clays that have great benefits for the skin and can actually help with the healing process.  

Friend... you stink!

This one might be hard to read for you.
I gotta be honest, that makes it really hard for me to write it.  But it’s got to be said.  

How We Homeschool

I call myself a homeschool dropout.  And yet, here I am, homeschooling my own kids, and watching them do amazing things.  So what happened?

How to Naturally Get Rid of Ants

Ugh!! It seems like each spring as the flowers begin to bloom and the weather warms up again, the ants come marching (one by one) back into our house to scavenge whatever food crumbs my kids have left on the kitchen floor (or the popcorn by the tv).

We’ve tried using essential oils for deterring the little buggers, 

Reasons you need Thieves Dishwashing Powder... even if you don't have a dishwasher!

☕️The icky coffee residue that gets stuck inside your favorite mug or your coffee pot comes off in seconds with a little sprinkle...

The Silent Monster Destroying our Health

For years we have heard the growing warnings about all our electronics and how they are affecting us as a society, our intellect, and now we are learning how electronics are affecting our health.


How do you eat an elephant..

Becoming a mom for the first time transformed the way I thought about everything.  

It wasn’t overnight, but I started down a path of learning about health, 

Eternal Laundry Soap Recipe

We had so much fun at our Healthy Hangout last Wednesday - snacks, wine, stories, laughs!  We chatted about ways to save money and detox your home on a budget.  Then we made my Eternal Laundry Soap recipe.  

15 ways we use Thieves Cleaner Concentrate...

Thieves Cleaner Concentrate:  This one single product has been a game-changer in our house!
In addition to the uses in the graphic, we use it as:
💙 Rinse aid in the dishwasher
💙 wrinkle releaser for clothes

"My heart felt like it was super-glued to my thyroid..."

Yesterday morning I went for a walk.  My kids were at camp for the morning, and I had some much needed "mom" time.   Pure bliss, right?  Not quite...
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